We’re smack dab in the middle of winter, but that doesn’t mean we have to be smack dab in the middle of no-riding season. With the right strategy and the right upgrades, you can continue running your ATV all year long, even in the snow. 

To help you out, Barnes Bros. Motorcycles & Off-Road has provided you some tips for ATVing in the snow, or you can stop by our location in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, and we’ll show you what we have available right now. We welcome all those from Pittsburgh and Washington, so visit us today!


We’ll start with what goes on your body. Keeping your body warm is priority number one, especially since cold temperatures get frigid when you factor in the wind. The key is to wear layers, three to five of them. This will not only provide better insulation, but also make it easy to cool off if you start to get too hot. The outermost layer should be waterproof.

You’ll also want to give some attention to your extremities. Your hands and feet will be the first areas to lose body heat, so make sure they’re covered with gloves and insulated riding shoes, respectively. You’ll also want to wear a helmet that is better at covering your face and keeping your head warm, which could mean switching out your summer gear.


There are some improvements you can make to your quad to make it easier to trek through the snow. Namely, you might want to look into getting snow tires or chains. Some riders even switch to tracks for the winter. You can also add a windshield to deflect some of the wind created by the ride.

Some equipment you can pack in your cargo boxes to make the ride easier and safer. This can include a small toolkit, a winch, and first-aid. We also recommend a survival kit, although we hope you never have to use it. This should include a fully-charged phone and an emergency radio, in case there’s no signal. 

Check the Forecast

Even if you’re all set for snow riding, you’ll want to check the forecast before hitting the road. Certain levels of precipitation won’t make for a fun afternoon and can even be dangerous. While you’re at it, if you’re going somewhere off your property, check for updates from the property owner. For example, if you’re going to a national park, the corresponding website should have a list of closures and warnings you’ll want to be aware of. 

Ride Sober & Ride Smart

Of course, some standard safe riding practices still apply. This includes riding sober and riding with caution. In the snow, don’t push your skills too far and wind up in a jam. We highly recommend riding in a group and telling someone back home where you’ll be and when you expect to be home. 

You can even look around for ATV riding classes if you’re still new to the sport. This will give you a formal place to learn the basics and hone your skills among peers and professionals.

Watch for Ice

Of course, one of the biggest concerns is ice. Keep an eye out for ice spots that could cause you to lose traction. Deeper bodies of water should probably be avoided in general, especially if temperatures have started warming up recently. If this kind of riding is completely unavoidable, stick to the edges where the ice will be thickest and the water most shallow. 

Granted, riding your ATV in the snow isn’t all doom and gloom. It’s about having fun! We just want to make sure you’re being safe as well. Because of this, if you have any additional questions or concerns, or if you’re looking to upgrade your quad, you’ll want to stop by Barnes Bros. Motorcycles & Off-Road in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania. Let our experienced staff know how we can make your next riding adventure even better. We proudly serve Pittsburgh and Washington.