A little tweaking of your UTV's shocks can greatly improve its performance on various terrain types. After all, hard-packed dirt trails pose a different challenge than shifting sand paths. It's understandable that your side-by-side would benefit from shocks tuned to a specific challenge.

Below we cover some guidelines for tuning UTV shocks for different terrains. If you want more information or want to shop side-by-sides for sale near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, reach out to Barnes Bros. Motorcycles & Off-Road. Our dealership is based in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, and we also proudly serve those in Pittsburgh and Washington.

Start With The UTV Owner's Manual

Before you start messing around with your side-by-side's shocks, take a minute to review the operations manual. There may be specific steps related to your given model. For example, there may be single or multiple tuning options. Always follow the manufacturer's recommendation over general advice when there's a difference.

How To Tune UTV Shocks For Mountain Trails

Mountain trails typically involve a combination of rock crawling and flat terrain. Since you won't be pushing top speeds, like you would on a flat dirt trail, you can tune the suspension to be soft.

With mountain trails, you will need some level of ground clearance. Otherwise, you'd scrape the chassis against obstacles and incur damage. However, too high of a ground clearance can sacrifice tire traction. The tires can end up spinning on the spot, rather than plowing forward.

A good balance here is key. Focus on a soft compression and neutral rebound. You are aiming for the suspension system to respond quickly, but not too fast.

How To Tune UTV Shocks For Sand Dunes

When you cruise around on a sand dune, you often encounter two key situations. 

First, you'll find cross chatter. This is the term for existing tracks left behind by other UTV riders. 

Second, you'll find razorback dunes. These have a gradual increasing curve on one side, then a sharp dip on the other.

Before you hit the sand dunes, make sure your side-by-side is equipped with the right tires. Then, tune the compression to be initially soft (to tackle the cross chatter) and stiffen up in the large transitions (to tackle the big dunes). Low rebound settings will help promote UTV stability after a transition or bump. A slower rebound is also a good approach for transitioning a razorback sand dune.

How To Tune For The Desert

True, the desert is full of sand. But it poses a unique riding terrain which merits a different UTV shock tuning approach.

Deserts are home to many unique areas: silt beds, sand washes, shale hill climbs, whoop sections, rocks, and rain ruts. As you cruise around on your side-by-side, you encounter constantly changing terrain.

You'll want to tune your compression setting to be soft without bottoming out when you hit bumps. The many terrain changes also call for quick suspension adjustments. Remember that as your speed increases, the compression has to work harder to absorb the impacts. Set your front rebound quicker than the rear one, which helps keep the UTV from bucking after an impact.

We hope you found this guide to tuning UTV shocks helpful. If you are looking for side-by-sides for sale near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, look no further than Barnes Bros. Motorcycles & Off-Road. We carry a large inventory of models and can help you find the perfect match. Explore our inventory online or visit us in Canonsburg.