Looking to buy a used powersports vehicle? The following buying tips will help.

Get the Maintenance Record

Ask for a copy of the used powersports vehicle's maintenance records.

See whether the previous owner kept up with preventative maintenance. If not, the model may be due for massive (and expensive) repairs in the near future.

Look as well for red flags, such as previous collisions or repeat maintenance issues. Make sure these have been addressed so you aren't stuck fixing the problems.

If possible, find out why the past owner decided to sell. If they encountered frequent issues, know that those could plague you as well.

Inspect the Used Powersports Vehicle

Thoroughly look over the used powersports vehicle and make sure everything is in good working condition.

Start with the oil. Dirty oil can indicate that it hasn't been changed for a while and could mean that the past owner slacked off on routine maintenance tasks.

Next, look over the frame for any dents or signs of rust. This type of damage can be expensive to repair and can lead to other problems in the future.

If the used powersports vehicle had any modifications, look over them carefully. They could be installed incorrectly, which can lead to a host of problems.

Ready to shop for used powersports vehicles for sale? Barnes Bros. Motorcycles & Off-Road carries a range of options. See the models online or at our dealership in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania. We also proudly serve those in Pittsburgh and Washington, Pennsylvania.